
Taiwan Super Junior fans wish Super Junior big success for their comeback!

by coolsmurf on May 6, 2010 @ 3:49 AM (EDT) · 94 comments

Something special happened on May 5th as the large LED display of Galleria Department Store in Seoul, Apgujeong showed a message from Super Junior fans, wishing their idols big success on their impending comeback!

This special event was made possible by Super Junior fans from Taiwan as they bought over a timeslot from the department store at 7pm on May 5th and displayed a message in Chinese that read, “今年五月! SJ 4輯大發!‘ which literally mean that they wish big success for Super Junior’s 4th album this May!

This unusual event certainly attracted the attention of netizens and those walking on the streets. I wonder if this will start off another trend among the fans.

Donghae apparently got wind of this special event and went directly to the scene, taking a picture as a memory and thanked fans for their support.

He said, “I am really suprised and impressed by this special event, and their love and devotion towards us. I know they expect great music from us and we will work hard to repay them on stage.”

Super Junior will unleash their teaser on the 7th before releasing their album next week on the 13th before beginning their promotions.

Many thanks to 13elieve for the tip.



臺灣歌迷希望Super Junior歸來取得巨大成功!

5月5日在首爾的一個百貨大樓發生了一個特殊的大型LED顯示幕,顯示的資訊來自於Super Junior 的歌迷,期待他們 的偶像即將的歸來取得巨大的成功!

這個特殊的活動是由臺灣Super Junior歌迷舉辦的,他們買了一家百貨公司的一個時段在晚上5月5日晚7點,顯示 一條中國語言的資訊,上面寫著“今年五月! SJ 4輯大發!',字面意思是他們期待Super Junior今年5月的的第四 張專輯取得巨大成功!



他說:“我實在被這個特殊事件感到驚訝和感動,他們對我們的愛和付出。我知道他們期待著我們偉大的音樂,我 們將努力工作,在舞臺上報答他們。“


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怎麼可能是台灣的飯 會做的事情啊!!!




還真的比較像是內地的說= ="




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